
Scholarship tutoring melbourne

Dr luke offers tutoring for private school scholarship exams (either ACER or Edutest), entrance exams to accelerated programs such as SEAL, and Selective Entry exams for high schools (such as Melbourne High School, The MacRobertson Girls’ High School, The Nossal High School and John Monash Science School).

Dr Luke is familiar with the knowledge and skills tested in Edutest and ACER scholarship tests.  Quite a few of my EduTest/scholarships students have been offered positions by The Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School, Melbourne High etc. Many of them got superior levels in their mathematics, numerical reasoning and verbal reasoning sections.

Dr Luke tailor the materials that suits the students’ need according their knowledge structures. This has been proven to be the most effective strategy and efficient method for preparing these tests.

EduTest is categorised into two sections: Ability and Achievement. The Abilities tests (Verbal Reasoning and Numeral Reasoning) estimate a child’s potential to learn, and apply reason and logic. The Achievement tests (Reading Comprehension, Mathematics and Written Expression) give an indication of what has been learned and execution of learned skills.

ACER Test consists four separate sub-tests.  Two writing tests (Test 1 and Test 4) allow students to use different styles of writing, which are concerned with the student’s ability to express thoughts and ideas in writing.  The humanity test  (Test 2) asks students to answer questions related to written and visual materials.  The mathematics test (Test 3) attempts to measure mathematical and scientific abilities rather than school achievement in these areas.